Tuesday, December 11, 2012

19 weeks!

I can't believe we are almost half way through this pregnancy already. Time is flying and I have a feeling the 2nd half will go even faster then the first.

How far along: 19 weeks and 5 days

Size of baby: 6.5-7 inches and about 10oz.

Total weight gain: Not sure. Have not weighed myself at the gym in a week (because I have not been...)

Gender: A sweet little boy :)

Movement: Just flutters when I lay down at night. Hoping for some big kicks soon!

Sleep: Not so great. Having a lot of "strectching" pains this week which makes it hard to get comfortable.

Maternity clothes: A little of both

Symptoms: I thought I was done with morning sickness but it decided to come back this week. I think baby is doing some serious growing!

Aversions: nothing really.

Cravings: chocolate milk. chocolate milk. chocolate milk.

What I Miss: A good nights rest. Sleep does this girl real good so no sleep equals cranky April.

Best moment this week: Getting the cutest little jacket in the mail for our boy. I can't wait to put it on him next fall/winter.

What I am looking forward to: Going to TN next week for Christmas with Sayers family!

I had 3 holiday parties this past weekend. A girls cocktail party Friday night, Sayer's firms party Saturday and then an ornament exchange with my bible study girls on Sunday night. Here is a picture of me and the bump before the party Friday night.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

look at you pretty girl! pregnancy suits you :)