Friday, July 13, 2012

June Girl

May 29 2012: We both woke up so excited about our 12 week appointment and ultrasound. We could not wait to see our sweet little baby again. We got to the doctor and went back with the ultrasound tech. She put the warm jelly on my stomach and within seconds we could see our little peanut squirming around on the screen. She was so active! And big! Tears filled my eyes. I was so happy. Then she said the dreaded words that we never thought we would hear, “Let me go get the doctor, I see some things that concern me.”

Everything since then has been a whirlwind…doctor’s appointments, tests, ultrasounds and heartache. We found out our baby girl had Turners syndrome and that we were going to lose her. It would only be a matter of time. Three weeks later she went to be with Jesus. As I sit here and write this I am numb. I don’t know why this happened to me. What Sayer and I did to deserve this pain. It will never make sense to me.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
-Jeremiah 29:11

I may not understand why this happened but I do know that God works everything for the good and I am holding tight to that promise.


Anonymous said...

I've been praying for you and Sayer, April. I'm so so sorry. As you said, God has a plan and although we may not always understand it, He does. xoxo!

Faith said...

April, you have been on my heart. I am so very sorry. I know that no words can help, but I pray that God would bring the comfort and peace to your heart that only He can.

GoMo said...

April, this is Morgan Wagoner. I read your blog through Lindsay Watts' and I just wanted to let you know that you are really strong. Garrett and I were in a similar situation two years ago. I was a couple of weeks pregnant and the pregnancy had to be removed because he was growing in one of my Fallopian tubes and would have died. A couple of months later we had a miscarriage. We soon were able to get pregnant and it came to 18 weeks later and found out he had down syndrome. It is crazy how God works. Although not what we wanted, we embraced what God wanted for us. We were always about only having two, but God has opened our eyes to maybe try for a third. God changed our plans and made them His own. With God, you can get through anything. It gives you a reason to keep going. Later on, we will see our babies in heaven, but until then keep living for Him.

Anonymous said...

You are always in my heart sweet friend. I love you and am always here for you.

The Andlers said...

praying for you april.

Rebecca said...

I'm so sorry to hear this April. Hugs and prayers to you, my friend.

Jennifer said...

The same situation has recently happened to me my baby passed away on August 27th 2012 it broke my heart I just got the news 2 days ago that my little angel was a baby girl and she passed away due to turners syndrome... Know that you are not alone. Our precious babies are looking down on us! God bless