Thursday, October 30, 2008

I've Lost that Lovin Feelin...Woah that lovin feelin...

I have discovered that if you stop blogging you loose your blogging juices and it is really hard to start back. I have decided to get back on track ...I PROMISE!! This is going to be a very random post of off the wall stuff/thoughts/etc. but like i said my brain is not in blogging mode and i think this will help me to kick start it again.

I saw this on a few peoples blogs so i decided i would do it...

Four Wishes:1. name my first daughter after my grandmother...Millie:)
2. celebrate my 50th wedding anniversary
3. own a beach house
4. publish my cook book

Four Places I want to Travel:
1. Santorini, Greece
2. NYC
3. Australia
4. anywhere tropical....

Four Careers I want to be involved in:
1. Wedding Planning, want to own my own business one day!
2. Something with Special needs children.
3. A Ministry for High school senior girls/freshman in college.
4. Stay-at-home mom

A while back I posted the lyrics to a song by Britt Nicole, here is a YouTube Video of her singing in live...such an awesome song. heard it again on the way home from work and it brought tears to my eyes, the lyrics are awesome.

This is a really yummy recipe that I got from my friend Caroline at work, its her moms recipe. She has been such a blessing and my sounding board for probably more then she wants to hear. love you babe:) It sounds kind of odd but trust me, it is SOOO good.

Sweet Caroline’s Salad
Marinated pea, corn & veggie salad

2 large cans of LeSeur Peas- drained
2 cans of white shoe peg corn- drained
1 large jar of pimentos- drained
1 can sliced water chestnuts- drained
½ of yellow onion- diced
½ of green pepper- diced
½-1 cup of celery- diced

¾ cup of apple cider vinegar
1 cup of sugar (maybe a little less than a cup)
½ cup of canola oil
1 teaspoon salt
1 ½ teaspoons pepper

Mix ingredients of dressing together, separate from veggies, in microwavable bowl. Microwave dressing for about 2-3 minutes, stirring periodically, to help oil & vinegar mix.
Then pour dressing over veggies and refrigerate, stirring often.
This salad tends to be better if you can make it the day before you plan on serving it, so it has time to marinate.
And that’s it!!

Well, I guess that's all for now....sorry this was so random:)

gossip girl....jk, haha.

1 comment:

Faith said...

Great list! I really like your four wishes and your four careers.

And, I have to say that salad sounds pretty yummy!