Tuesday, October 7, 2008


My sister comes home in 7 days...

I Want You to know

I want you to know when things go wrong
I want you to know that all along
Someone remembers, someone cares.
Whatever the load, the burden shares
Whatever you do or whatever they say
I want you to know that all the way
Someone believes, believes although Others may doubt
I want you to know…
I want you to know when far apart
When I cannot speak to you heart to heart
Whatever the rest may say or do
I want you to know that my faith is true.
I want you to know that come what will
in the deepest vale, on the highest hill
that these things that I say to you are so
and so forever I want you to know.
I want you to know in the after years,
In the time of sorrow, the time of tears
Although the plain or sea dividesI will be standing your soul beside.
The way is far and the voice is dumb
I cannot speak and I cannot come.
And perhaps my love will not help you so
but if it will…
I want you to know


MiMi said...

Awww.....what a precious picture of the 2 of you! How exciting that Cari will be coming home in just a few days. I know that your family must be so excited, as I am sure Cari is, too. I am sure that there will be some difficult days ahead and I will continue praying for her complete healing.

BTW...I love your new header and blog design! Very cute!

Faith said...

This is wonderful news! I'm so glad that she will be coming home. What sweet words that I know she will treasure forever.

LOVE the new header! So cute!